FAQ: How long will the charity get support?

How long will the charity get support because of my one-time donation?

There is no end to Give For Good or to the financial support the charity gets based on your one-time donation: as long as the stock market generates returns that are higher than inflation, your investment will continue to yield interest.

So my support for the charity continues even after I die…?

Yes, it does! For this reason, Give For Good is also ideally suited for bequeathing an inheritance to a charity, especially because the support for the charity will continue forever. Even more so, at Give For Good our system is that 50% of the return goes to your charity each year and 50% goes to increasing the real value of your initial donation – the amount that is invested. As a result, your support for your charity becomes a little bit bigger every year. And it does so without an end, so your donation becomes not only an ever-continuing source of support for your favorite charity, but it also is ever-growing. See here for more information about this 50-50 method and why this results in much more support for charity than giving 100% of the interest to charity each year. 
